Ensure Whiskey Me Up © Emails Appear In Your Primary Tab In Gmail

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Whiskey Me Up FAQs - GmailDo you feel like you’re missing Whiskey Me Up © emails? Did you not get your Whiskey Persona ™ Recommendations or that highly coveted invite to a Secret Whiskey Tasting ™?

If you have Gmail, the issue might be because our emails are in the Promotions tab and getting lost with all those other (not as awesome as our) emails! To ensure you get Whiskey Me Up emails, move us to your Primary tab!

There are three different ways you can ensure that our Whiskey Me Up emails will show in the Primary tab of your Gmail account.

1. Drag and Drop

The easiest way to move our email in your inbox is to left-click and hold on the email to drag it from the Promotions tab over to the Primary tab.


Release the mouse to drop the email into the newly selected tab. Once dropped, Gmail displays a yellow box that asks if you want to make this change permanent. Click ‘Yes’ to ensure that all messages with the same ‘From’ email address (contactus@whiskeymeup.com) will appear in the Primary tab going forward.




Please note: Due to our email distributor’s (mailchimp) new tagging system, our emails might appear in long-form as “300de49aece551da3e0656b44.40773.list-id.mcsv.net”. Don’t be afraid. It’s safe! Go ahead and do the same thing you would if it had said “contactus@whiskeymeup.com”. The long-form represents the tagging of the mailing list.



2. Right-Click

Similar to the drag-and-drop option, right-click on our email to bring up a small list of options. Click the Move to tab’ option and select the tab you want to move our email to (ahem! ‘Primary’).


A yellow box will display that asks if you want to make this change permanent. Click ‘Yes’ to ensure that all messages with the same ‘From’ email address (contactus@whiskeymeup.com) will appear in the Primary tab going forward.



3. Search and Filter

Search for the ‘From’ email address (contactus@whiskeymeup.com) in Gmail. When the results populate, click the small grey arrow to the right of the search bar to bring up the advanced search criteria.


Click the Create a filter with this search’ link at the bottom of the results.


Near the bottom of the advanced filter window, you’ll see a Categorize as’ section with a drop-down menu where you can select the tab you want (ahem! ‘Personal’).



Once you’ve created the filter, all the emails from our address (contactus@whiskeymeup.com) that are currently in your inbox will be moved to the Primary tab. Any new emails from us will be delivered directly to the Primary tab.

Note: When using the Search and Filter option, we’d also recommend checking the box for Never send it to Spam’, as this will help to ensure better deliverability of our emails.

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